39 Friendship quotes To Send To Your Bestie On Friendship Day

by | Feb 17, 2025 | Friendship quotes, quotes | 0 comments

Best friends are the family you choose for yourself, and each year on July 30, we show our appreciation for these special people in our lives by celebrating Friendship Day. Whether you have one best friend or several, these Friendship Day quotes will help you celebrate your friendships in style! Here are 39 friendship quotes to send to your bestie on Friendship Day. Enjoy!

39 Friendship quotes To Send To Your Bestie On Friendship Day


Friendship day is celebrated on the 30th of July every year. On this occasion, people wish each other with friendship quotes. These friendship quotes are written by famous authors and poets. You can share these friendship quotes with your friends and family members.

Some Quotes About Friendship

A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you. -Elbert Hubbard

Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.’ -C.S.

True friends are like diamonds-hard to find and impossible to replace. So don’t be afraid to tell people what they mean to you. Remember: One’s handshakes tell a lot about his heart, but even more than his handshake is his word

A friend is someone who knows everything about you and likes you anyway. A best friend doesn’t come around every day.  A true friend sees the invisible lines that hold us together. Friendship often ends in love, but love seldom ends in friendship.


14 Best Friend Quotes To Celebrate The Special Bond Between Friends

1. A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you. – Elbert Hubbard

2. Friends are the family we choose for ourselves. – Edna Buchanan

3. The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it. – Hubert H. Humphrey

4. A real friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out. – Walter Winchell 6. If a person wants happiness in their life they should surround themselves with friends and loved ones because that’s what will get them through the tough times.

7. You can only learn so much from being told how to be a good friend or partner; you also need hands-on experience from other people’s successes as well as their failures.

8. Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much men can bear. – Sir Winston Churchill

9. What counts in making a friend is not the length of time but the depth of feeling. – J.R.R Tolkien

10. Friendship is the hardest thing in this world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.- Muhammad Ali

11. People who say they don’t need anybody are usually lonely. – Leo Buscaglia

12. A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down.- Arnold Glasgow

13. As different as we are, together we make sense. – Gwen Davenport

14. The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good. – Samuel Johnson


25 Best Friendship Wishes For A Friend Who Is Always There For You

1. “You’re not my friend if you don’t make me laugh.” – Unknown

2. “Friends are God’s way of apologizing to us for our relatives.” – Unknown

3. “A true friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself.” – Unknown

4. “True friends are always loyal, even when they’re wrong.” – Unknown

5. “The best kind of friend is the kind you never have to meet.” – Unknown

6. “I think we should do everything together. That would be fun!” – Unknown

7. “If you want to find out what kind of person a man is, take a good look at his friends.” – Unknown

8. “The only difference between a friend and a relative is that the friend doesn’t expect anything back.” – Unknown

9. “A true friendship is born out of understanding and appreciation.” – Unknown

10. “When I was young, I thought being grown up meant having lots of money and many friends. Now that I am grown-up, I know that it means something else entirely.” – Unknown

11. “It takes two people to make a real friendship; one to give, and one to receive.” – Unknown

12. “A true love is patient and kind. It does not envy, boast, brag, or become easily angered. It does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. Love never fails…” – 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

13. “There are no ordinary friendships. There are only extraordinary ones.” – Unknown

14. “Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another: ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one!’” – C.S Lewis

15. “We need friends who make us smile, who bring sunshine to our lives, who lift us up when we feel low, who encourage us to follow our dreams, who help us get through the hard times, and who understand us when we cannot explain ourselves.” – Unknown

16. “The greatest gift you can give anyone is your time.” – Unknown

17. “A true relationship is based on mutual respect and trust.” – Unknown

18. “To be a friend, you just have to be willing to accept them for who they are, even if you don’t agree with them.” – Unknown

19. “A true companion is someone who makes you feel comfortable enough to be yourself.“ – Unknown 20. “A true and lasting friendship is built upon honesty and integrity.” – Unknown

21. “A true partner is someone who accepts you exactly as you are, flaws and all.” – Unknown

22. “A true lover is someone who sees past your faults and loves you anyway.” – Unknown

23. “A true family member is someone who stands by you no matter what.” – Unknown

24. “A true teacher is someone who challenges you to learn more than you ever thought possible.” – Unknown

25. “A true leader is someone who inspires others to greatness.” – Unknown


True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable.

1. A true friend may quarrel now and then, but he will always tell you the truth and part from you with loving words at the end of the day.

2. There are two types of friends: those who help you up when you fall and those who watch and laugh while you struggle to stand again.

3. Take responsibility for your own decisions and actions. If a situation doesn’t work out like you hoped, analyze the situation and figure out why it didn’t work instead of blaming your friends.

4. Listen more than you talk

5. Think before you speak

6. Keep things lighthearted

7. Don’t take yourself too seriously

8. Remember that nobody is perfect

9. Accept criticism gracefully


Friendships don’t necessarily last forever; some are just right for certain seasons in our lives, and we’ll cherish the memories for years to come. One of my most treasured friendships is with my husband; however, I’ve had many other wonderful friendships throughout my life. Some lasted a lifetime while others were shorter in duration. My advice would be to enjoy every single one! Don’t take any of them for granted. And remember that the quality of a relationship matters more than its quantity. We all deserve to find people who value us, understand us, and want to spend time with us, whether it be friends or romantic partners!



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