PMC MDCAT MCQs On Life Process In Animals And Plants

by | Feb 15, 2025 | MCQs, MDCAT | 1 comment

The life processes in plants and animals are similar in many ways but also different in others. To help you understand the concept of Life Processes better, let us take a look at some MCQs on this topic and have a quick revision session! 

MCQs On Life Process In Animals And Plants
MCQs On Life Process In Animals And Plants

Life processes in animals and plants are one of the most important subjects for medical and dental entrance exam preparation, which helps to score good marks in the exams like PMC MDCAT that’s why we are providing you MCQ on Life Processes in Animals and Plants which will help you to get good marks in the exams by preparing with those questions. You can choose to answer all the questions or just some of them, it’s completely up to you! Good luck!

Carnivorous Plants

1. Venus Flytrap

The Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) is a carnivorous plant native to North America. Its name comes from its resemblance to the insect-eating lily pond monster of Greek mythology. The trap consists of two lobes joined at their base, each with three finger-like appendages. When prey touches the trigger hairs near the tip of the first lobe, the second lobe snaps shut, trapping the insect inside.

2. Sundew

Sundews are carnivorous plants native to Europe and Asia. They have a sticky secretion called drosera that attracts insects. Insects land on the leaves where they become entangled in the long stalks of the sundew. As the insect struggles, the leaves close around them until they die.

3. Pitcher Plant

Pitcher plants are carnivorous plants native mainly to South America. They secrete nectar from special glands on their pitchers, which entices insects to drink. Once full, the pitcher closes over the insect, drowning it.

4. Hellebore

Hellebores are carnivorous plants native primarily to Eurasia and North Africa. Their traps consist of a tubular structure covered in spines or teeth. Prey animals walk onto the spines or teeth, where they get stuck and eventually starve to death.

5. Cactus

Cacti are carnivorous plants native throughout the Americas. Most cacti use a pitfall trap. A pitfall trap is a depression dug into the ground lined with sharp thorns. Prey falls into the pit and becomes impaled.

6. Waterwheel Plant

Waterwheel plants are carnivorous plants found in Australia. They have a water wheel-shaped body and a pair of tentacles at the top. The tentacles look like paddles and are used to capture prey.

7. Ice Plant

Ice plants are carnivorous plants that live in arctic regions. They use ice crystals to attract prey. The ice crystals melt once the prey lands on the leaf surface.

Human Cardiovascular system

1. Heart

The heart is the organ responsible for pumping blood throughout the body. It receives oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumps it out to the rest of the body. The heart consists of four chambers: two atria (upper chambers) and two ventricles (lower chambers). Blood enters the right atrium via the superior vena cava and flows into the right ventricle. From here, the blood travels through the pulmonary artery and then into the left atrium. In the left atrium, the blood passes through the mitral valve into the left ventricle. Finally, the blood exits the left ventricle and enters the aorta before being pumped throughout the body.

2. Arteries

Arteries are the vessels that carry blood away from the heart. There are three types of arteries: systemic arteries, coronary arteries, and cerebral arteries. Systemic arteries supply blood to the organs and extremities. Coronary arteries supply blood to the heart muscle. Cerebral arteries supply blood to the brain.

3. Veins

Veins are hollow tubes that return the blood back to the heart. There are two types of veins: superficial veins and deep veins. Superficial veins collect blood from the capillaries and transport it to the deep veins. Deep veins collect blood from the superficial veins and pump it back to the heart.

4. Capillary Circulation

Capillary circulation is the movement of blood through tiny blood vessels called capillaries. Capillaries have no valves and allow blood to flow freely between them. Capillaries are located throughout the body and help deliver oxygen and nutrients to cells and remove carbon dioxide and metabolic wastes.

5. Microcirculation

Microcirculation refers to the small blood vessels that circulate blood in the skin. These vessels are extremely thin and fragile. They are not visible to the naked eye.

6. Lymphatic System

Lymphatic vessels are channels that carry lymph fluid. Lymph fluid contains white blood cells and antibodies that fight off bacteria and viruses. The lymphatic system helps to keep the immune system strong.

7. Nervous System

The nervous system controls voluntary movements, senses stimuli, and processes information. It includes the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and ganglia.

Human Respiratory system

1. Nose

The nose is responsible for smelling odours and detecting airborne particles. The olfactory epithelium is located at the top of the nasal cavity. The olfactory cells are highly sensitive to chemical stimuli. The olfactory receptor neurons are connected to the brain via the olfactory bulb.

2. Throat

The throat is involved in swallowing and breathing. It contains tonsils, adenoids, and pharynx. The epiglottis prevents food from entering the trachea. The larynx controls the flow of air into the lungs.

3. Lungs

The lungs are the organs responsible for respiration. They consist of two parts: the upper respiratory tract and the lower respiratory tract. The upper respiratory tract includes the nasal passages, nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx, and larynx. The lower respiratory tract consists of the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli. The trachea is the tube connecting the windpipe (or oesophagus) to the lungs. The bronchi branch off the trachea and lead to the smaller bronchioles. The alveoli are small sac-like structures where gas exchange takes place.

4. Sinuses

The sinus cavities are hollow spaces in the skull. There are three pairs of sinuses: frontal, maxillary, and sphenoid. Each pair of sinuses is lined with a mucous membrane. The paranasal sinuses drain into the nasal cavity.

MCQs On Life Process In Animals And Plants 

Here are the MCQs from the PMC MDCAT on Life Process In Animals And Plants.

  • Chapter: Life Process In Animals And Plants 
  • Total MCQs: 155

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1 Comment

  1. Asma Zaheer

    I want to practice it


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