
Free MDCAT Mock Test 06 {MDCAT Test Series}

Instructions for MDCAT Mock Test 06

Here is your test no. 06 of free MDCAT mock test series. This test will help you to prepare for PMDC MDCAT 2024. Join this free test series and prepare for free.


1. Evolution

2. Life process in animals and plants

(nutrition/gaseous exchange/ transport)


1. S and P Block Elements

2. Transition Elements


1. Electrostatics

2. Current Electricity


1. Comprehend key vocabulary

2. Demonstrate control of tenses and sentence structure

Logical Reasoning

1. Critical thinking 


This Test Consists Of :

  • BIOLOGY:              68 MCQs 
  • CHEMISTRY:         54 MCQs
  • PHYSICS:               54 MCQs
  • ENGLISH:              18 MCQs
  • L. REASONING:    06 MCQs
  • Total MCQs:            200 MCQs
  • Total Marks:            200
  • Total Time:              210 Minutes
  • No negative marking
This is the 6th MDCAT mock test. This test will cover the following subjects and topics.



Evolution is a change in the genetic makeup of a population over time. Organisms that can best adapt to their environment are the ones who survive and reproduce. Over time, changes in a population’s genetic makeup will accumulate and result in new species. A group of organisms that shares a common ancestor is called a clade. Many factors cause evolution: mutation, gene flow, genetic drift, natural selection, and random variation. The mutation is the introduction of DNA errors during replication due to chemical or physical agents such as ultraviolet light or radioactivity. The rate at which mutations occur depends on the frequency with which a cell divides, and also on how often mistakes happen when DNA polymerase replicates DNA. Gene flow is any movement of genes from one population to another.

Life process in animals and plants

Respiration is the process of releasing energy from food or stored glucose to provide energy for other body functions. When this process occurs with oxygen, it is called aerobic respiration. When this process does not occur with oxygen, it is called anaerobic respiration. In both cases, carbon dioxide is a byproduct released into the environment through exhalation (breathing out). Growth is the increase in size or complexity of an organism, resulting from cell division and/or cellular enlargement. Nutrition includes everything that has been taken in as food which provides calories (energy) for life processes. Transportation includes the movement of materials inside living organisms, including all fluids and solids throughout various parts of their bodies. Reproduction is when living things create new individuals that can live on their own.


S and P Block Elements

S and P Block Elements are the last two groups of the periodic table. These blocks are different because they have valence electrons that are always either d or f electrons. All of the other blocks have a mixture of d and f electrons, but these two blocks have only one type of electron. The difference between these two is that they can bond with other atoms in different ways, giving them many more uses than most other elements.

Transition Elements

Transition Elements are those that are found in the fourth column of the periodic table. These elements have variable oxidation states and usually exist as ions. For example, Nitrogen exists as N2 gas, N3+, NH4+, etc. They are also called post-transition metals due to their position on the periodic table. One example is Silver (Ag). The Ag ion is soluble in water while its compounds such as AgCl or AgBr are not. The transition element, Copper (Cu), can be a part of many compounds such as CuSO4 or CuO but they do not exist freely in nature.



Electrostatics is the study of how electricity interacts with and moves through non-conducting material. The force created by an electric field is called an electrostatic force. In an electric field, positive charges move in one direction and negative charges move in the opposite direction. As a result, there are two types of electric fields: an electrodynamic or coulombic field and an electrostatic or dielectric field.

Current Electricity

Current Electricity refers to the distribution of electricity using direct current (DC) rather than alternating current (AC). The power from a DC power source is transferred to an electrical load using a conductor. Because the voltage doesn’t change, there is no change in electric charge between the endpoints. As a result, it doesn’t require a wire for every light bulb like with AC. It also does not need transformers, which are needed for AC because AC current reverses direction and voltage changes at regular intervals.


  • Comprehend key vocabulary
  • Demonstrate control of tenses and sentence structure

Logical Reasoning 

  • 1. Critical thinking

Test Requirements:

  1. You must have a valid Google email address.
  2. If you do not have a Gmail account then go and create 1 Gmail account.
  3. Use the Correct Email Format Like: alikhan4345@gmail.com Otherwise you will not get your test result.
  4. You must be signed in on Google.
  5.  Choose a quiet room/place.
  6. Pen and Paper for rough work.

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PMDC MDCAT Mock Test 06

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