
Free MDCAT Mock Test 07 {MDCAT Test Series}

Instructions for MDCAT Mock Test 07

Attempt test 07 of the free PMDC MDCAT test series. This test is according to the PMDC MDCAT 2024 demand. After submitting your test, You will get your result with correct and incorrect keys.


1. Prokaryotes

2. Reproduction


1. Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry

2. Chemistry of Hydrocarbons


1. Electromagnetism

2. Electromagnetic Induction


1. Demonstrate ability to differentiate between the correct and incorrect structure of sentences.

2. Use of writing conventions of spelling, capitalization and Punctuation.

Logical Reasoning

1. Letter and symbol series


This Test Consists Of :

  • BIOLOGY:              68 MCQs 
  • CHEMISTRY:         54 MCQs
  • PHYSICS:               54 MCQs
  • ENGLISH:              18 MCQs
  • L. REASONING:    06 MCQs
  • Total MCQs:            200 MCQs
  • Total Marks:            200
  • Total Time:              210 Minutes
  • No negative marking

Test Requirements:

  1. You must have a valid Google email address.
  2. If you do not have a Gmail account then go and create 1 Gmail account.
  3. Use the Correct Email Format Like: alikhan4345@gmail.com Otherwise you will not get your test result.
  4. You must be signed in on Google.
  5.  Choose a quiet room/place.
  6. Pen and Paper for rough work.

Test No.07 Contents

1. Biology-II

1. Prokaryotes

1. Bacteria

Bacteria are single-celled organisms that do not have a nucleus and are classified under the kingdom Protista. These bacteria are present everywhere and play a major role in recycling nutrients and decomposing dead matter. There are many different types of bacteria, each with its own unique function. Some of these bacteria are pathogenic, meaning they cause disease. Other bacteria are helpful and help keep our bodies functioning properly.

2. Archaea

Archaea are similar to bacteria, except they lack a cell wall and are therefore considered prokaryotic. Archaea are often referred to as extremophiles because they live in extreme environments. Many archaea can survive in extremely hot temperatures, high salt concentrations, and even radiation.

3. Fungi

Fungi are eukaryotic organisms that are composed of cells with nuclei. They are classified under the kingdom Ascomycota. Fungi are commonly known as mushrooms and moulds. Mushrooms are fungi that produce spores called basidiospores. Moulds are fungi that produce fruiting bodies.

4. Algae

Algae are unicellular organisms that are classified under the kingdom Chromophyta. They are sometimes referred to as protists because they are not true plants. Most algae are photosynthetic and use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide into glucose. Some algae are harmful and can cause algal blooms.

5. Viruses

Viruses are microscopic particles that consist of genetic material. They are classified under Kingdom Monera. Viruses are responsible for causing many diseases in humans and animals.

2. Reproduction

1. Sexual Reproduction

Sexual reproduction occurs when two individuals of different sexes combine their genetic material to produce offspring. In humans, sexual reproduction takes place when sperm cells from the male meet ova cells from the female. Sperm cells have tails that help them swim toward the ovum. Once they reach the ovum, they fuse together and release DNA. The DNA then combines with RNA and protein to create a zygote. After the zygote divides several times, it becomes a multicellular organism called a fetus.

2. Asexual Reproduction

Asexual reproduction is when organisms reproduce without combining their genetic material. Humans use asexual reproduction when they clone themselves. Cloning involves taking skin cells from an individual and dividing them many times. Each time the cells divide, they become identical copies of the original cell.

Important terms in Reproduction

1. Spermatozoon

Spermatozoa are cells that carry genetic information from male gametes (sperms) to female gametes (oocytes). In humans, spermatozoa are produced in the testis and travel down the epididymis where they mature. Spermatozoa have a head, middle piece, flagellum, and tail. The head contains the nucleus and cytoplasm. The middle piece contains mitochondria and the flagellum is responsible for propulsion.

 2. Oocyte

An oocyte is a female germ cell that develops into an ovum. An ovum is a reproductive cell that is released from an ovary. Ovaries produce eggs and are located inside the body cavity. Egg cells are formed in the ovaries and then move to the fallopian tubes. There, they develop into the ovum.

3. Zygote

 A zygote is a single-celled embryo. A zygote is formed after two gametes unite. Gametes are sex cells that contain half of the chromosomes of each parent. After fertilization, the zygote divides into two cells called blastomeres. Each blastomere has its own set of chromosomes.

4. Blastocyst

The blastocyst is a stage of embryonic development between the morula and the gastrula. The blastocyst is composed of three distinct layers: the inner cell mass, the trophoblast, and the outer layer. The inner cell mass gives rise to the fetus while the trophoblast forms the placenta.

5. Gastrula

Gastrulation is the first major phase of embryogenesis. Gastrulation begins at about day 5 of a human pregnancy and lasts until around day 10. During gastrulation, the embryo undergoes several changes including the formation of the neural tube, somites, and endoderm.

6. Neurula

Neurulation is the second major phase of embryogenesis and occurs between days 6 and 9 of human gestation. During neurulation, the nervous system is formed. The neural tube closes and becomes the central nervous system. The notochord is eliminated and the arches are formed.

7. Embryonic Stem Cell

 Embryonic stem cells are undifferentiated cells that can become any type of cell in the body. These cells are derived from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst.


1. Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry

2. Chemistry of Hydrocarbons


1. Electromagnetism

2. Electromagnetic Induction 


1. Demonstrate ability to differentiate between the correct and incorrect structure of sentences.

2. Use of writing conventions of spelling, capitalization and Punctuation.

Logical Reasoning

1. Letter and symbol series

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PMDC MDCAT Mock Test 07

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