How to get a UK Student Visa without and with IELTS | Complete Guide 2023

by | Feb 16, 2025 | Study Abroad | 0 comments


How to get a UK Student Visa

How to get a UK Student Visa?

In this article, I will tell you about the changes which the UK has done regarding student visas in 2022 what are the requirements? How to get a UK Student Visa IELTS? 

First of all, let me tell you that the UK is one of the countries in the world. It has a great kind of academic system. This includes The universities means it has educational institutions which that offer a variety of programs People all over the world who are students go there to study.

There are different diplomas for their courses and foundations, Degrees. Students go for PhDs and for other study program. Let me tell you – after the master if you have a master’s degree, the UK offers after one year of master’s degree work placement. This is paid work replacement. This is done by universities after that you get two years of PSW. The PSW is called Post-study Work Permanent and can be converted to Leave to Remain if you find the extension later. This is also called ILR, and if you stay there for 5 years, it will be converted to Citizenship.

Why the UK is doing this?

The UK is doing this because the UK is now in Brexit Means UK has exited from Britain and has exited Europe. Uk is already not in the  Schengen When he exited, they had many students from Europe who came for studies because when the UK is with Europe, then the rest of  Europeans, they used to come here and study obviously Students will not get those facilities. It had been obtained earlier, the UK  to attract International Student Countless programs have been launched, a lot of Schemes have been launched under which they will go and study there. Then you get the work placement and then the PSW degrees will be issued. 

Now we will talk about what is that VISA. What are the bases on which you can get admission without IELTS? First of all, if your intermediate marks are Seventy Percent Plus English so you will without IELTS get admission. But for that, you have  The university will have to give an interview which is called a credibility interview Well.

How much are the fees?

The fee roundabout is  12,000 to 15,000 and if you pay at least  4,000 to 6,000, you are eligible for a case letter. What is a CAS letter? A CAS letter is a certificate of study acceptance.

What details are written on it?

One is the university’s license number and then you are given a case number, your name, Passport Number, and Date of Birth. 

The address is mentioned. Then there would be a total fee for your course. Then there is the fee you have paid and the Balance Fee is written on it. After this how many pounds are required above the monthly maintenance funds? Maintenance funds, bank statements what are these things?

Maintenance funds:

Maintenance funds are the ones that give to you monthly. There are one thousand and twenty-five Pound. Keep in mind the is that whatever your bank statement in Pak rupees is made. This means the current rate of the pound is Rs.215. You should maintain your bank statement and keep the difference of 5 to 10 rupees as the Pound rate increase and decreases. The second thing I want to tell you first is that the statements of the UK Trust Bank and Investment Bank in Pakistan are no longer valid.  Physically money must be present and must be old than 28 days. If they are not twenty-eight days old and if the bank checked it, your visa will be rejected.  that’s why kindly making a bank statement,  you Have to keep and make it the right way.  


Now will check Graduation. the people who want to do with IELTS require a minimum of six points IELTS and Overall six points five is required but if in their intermediate Seventy-plus percentage, marks are in English, so they can also give their credibility interviews.  They can take the offer letter and They can take their case letter after depositing their initial fee.  If you’re doing a master’s the same thing applies with a master’s that is in your intermediate. 

How many marks are there in English?  Intermediate students can do IELTS and get a score of a minimum of five-point five bands in each module. Visa success rates also become significantly higher.

Although, The UK is currently issuing a lot of visas in 2022 so the gap that has been created by them in Europe has gone. It can be filled because apparently in the UK the economy depends a lot on it. They also rely a lot on this thing.  That lot of international students come there and pay them. 

What documents are required by students?

Now I will tell you what documents are required by students. The required documents include;

  • ID card
  • Passport
  • FRC
  • Matric
  • FA or FSc degree

These documents must be attested by IBBC or Foreign Office and graduation or master’s documents are attested by the concerned Board, HEC, and Foreign Office. 

Then you need a bank statement. The bank statement must be 28 days old by the day you will apply. If that bank statement is in your name that will wonderful. You will have to tell. What is the source of your income or where did that money come from?  If You attached  FRC with it an obvious thing must be attached. In which the name of your father, mother, siblings name. Also the bank statement. So these are all the documents you need to apply for a visa and along with it Must have proof of accommodation and at the same time have a CASE letter. 


If you apply with documents, You will get the answer in two to four weeks. These are all the things that were changed. If you have any queries feel free to ask in the below comments I will definitely answer your questions.  



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