8 Tips To Become a Topper Of Any Exam

by | Feb 17, 2025 | Study tips | 0 comments

Exams are stressful, there’s no denying that! The pressure to perform well and the struggle to retain all of the information being thrown at you makes them a difficult experience. If you are struggling to get good grades, maybe it’s time to change your study habits so that you can become an exam topper! If you follow these tips, you can learn how to study for exams and how to become a topper!

8 Tips To Become a Topper Of Any Exam

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Study for Exams

The first step towards becoming a top performer in your classroom is to know what makes a good student. This means that you need to have a clear understanding of how to study effectively. You should always try to understand the material before you attempt to memorize it. If you are not able to do this, then you may find yourself struggling to remember information that you already know.

Here are 8 tips to become a topper of any exam.

1. Get into the habit of studying

There’s no better way to make sure you study each and every day than by getting into the habit of studying daily. The best way to do that is to set up reminders for yourself, such as setting an alarm for 20 minutes at a time. If you start each day with 20 minutes of studying, you’ll soon be able to use those study times as incentives to get other tasks done. Soon enough, it will become second nature!

2. Take regular breaks

Taking breaks regularly is vital to avoiding mental fatigue, which can sap your brain of focus and concentration. The rule of thumb is to take regular 15-minute breaks for every 60 minutes you spend studying. If you study for two hours, take two short breaks or one long break. Put away your phone: When was the last time you studied without being distracted by something on your phone? It’s not easy to resist the urge to check social media or email when it’s just sitting there tempting you with notifications.

3. Set goals

It is highly necessary to set goals for yourself before you begin studying. If you don’t have specific goals in mind, then how will you know whether or not your study habits are effective? Goals help keep you focused on your studies and ensure that you’re getting through all of your work. If there’s no end in sight, it’s easy to lose motivation. Set reasonable and measurable goals for yourself so that you know when something is working and when it isn’t.

4. Create cheat sheets or take notes

Take notes and make cheat sheets during class so you don’t have to cram before an exam. It will help you remember what you learned during class, even if it is just in outline form so that you can focus your studying for tests on what you did not learn well. Use different colours or typefaces to highlight key points, or create a quick diagram. Just like when taking notes in class, use phrases instead of full sentences and bullet points instead of complete sentences

5. Prepare your exam location well in advance

You can study better in an environment you’re comfortable with. The more time you spend in your exam location, the chances are it will help you to feel at ease when it comes time to sit for your test. You don’t have to be there every day, but do make sure that you take breaks from studying and go visit your preferred location. This will give your brain some familiarity with where it should be focusing for optimal concentration.

6. Record yourself while answering questions in exams

This may sound silly, but it’s great advice. When you do well on an exam, save it to review later—even if you have to borrow your friend’s computer and record yourself with their webcam. You’ll not only get more comfortable seeing yourself speak in front of an audience (which you will be doing a lot when you become a leader), but you can also pinpoint your weaknesses and strengths by listening to your tone, words, and confidence as they relate to each question.

7. Have realistic expectations about marks

You can aim for 100% in every test and every exam. However, unless you’re getting help from tutors or studying long hours every day, such marks aren’t realistic. You can aim to be in the top 15-20%, and if you follow these tips, you might even reach that target. If your goal is to become a topper of any exam, start by realistically assessing your abilities. This will help you design a study plan that’s both manageable and effective.

8. Play intelligent games during exams

If you feel like playing games will distract you from studying, think again. Playing chess and other logic-based games actually helps improve your analytical skills and overall intelligence, which will surely come in handy while writing an exam. It’s no wonder that many CEOs of top companies are avid chess players. You can play against yourself or try to improve your skills by taking part in local tournaments for fun!


Okay! So, in conclusion, we have looked at 8 tips to become a topper in any exam. As you go through these eight steps, remember that they are only guidelines that you can follow and tweak based on your own skillset. The most important thing is to start working on what you need to work on now so that by exam time you will not just be able to ace it but also score better than ever before.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many hours did toppers study?

The average student studying for an exam will put in three to five hours of study time per day. Yes, you read that right. 3-5 hours is enough time to become an exam topper. It’s actually enough time to become highly skilled at anything: surfing, swimming, skiing, piano, guitar playing… You name it! If you think it takes 20+ hours a day of hardcore studying just to get by, think again!

What is the secret of toppers?

If you study for hours every day and just can’t seem to get ahead, it may be because you are trying to cram in too much information. You must know what is important to study and what is not if you don’t have time to study everything at length. The secret of successful students is they manage their time wisely and know how to prioritize their studies. They also do not hesitate when it comes to sacrificing things that eat up precious time.

What is the best study method?

Studying effectively is key to maintaining a balance between your personal and professional life. While you’re in school, you have to manage time for your classes, extracurricular activities, and various assignments. 



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