Study Tips For Law School Students

by | Feb 17, 2025 | Study tips | 0 comments

The legal field is one of the most popular career paths, with an estimated 856,000 practising attorneys in the United States alone. With so many students entering law school each year, competition for jobs is fierce. It’s important to take every advantage you can get if you want to stand out from the crowd when it comes time for interviews or job offers. Here are some study tips that will help you prepare:

Study Tips For Law School Students

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Law school is vastly different from college.

  • Law school is vastly different from college.

Law school is more intense, more focused on exams, and more focused on learning by example and not by lecture. In fact, in some classes, you may be handed reading material with no instructor to explain it to you.

  • Law school is about learning the law and it’s about learning how to think for yourself.

The first year of law school involves a lot of memorizing facts and legal terms; however, after that first year, it becomes much more about thinking through problems on your own—and writing well-reasoned essays as a result.*

Make a schedule and stick to it.

Making a schedule is the most important thing you can do for yourself. Without a schedule, your life will be filled with things that need doing and deadlines that are coming up, but you’ll never get anything done because you don’t know what needs doing when. With a schedule, however, every time something comes up that needs to be done (like writing an outline or studying for an exam), it goes onto your list of things to do today or tomorrow. You should make this list before starting work on anything else—this way if someone interrupts you while working on something important like studying or writing an outline, they won’t ruin your entire day because there was nothing else on the agenda anyway!

Once you have a solid plan in place for how often each subject should be studied and when assignments need completing (for example weekly reading assignments due every Wednesday), stick to it as much as possible. This means putting aside time each day/weekend/etc., whether during school hours or after class ends at night until all required readings have been completed or all necessary assignments turned in.

Get to know your professors.

One of the best ways to get a sense of what it’s like to be in law school is by getting to know your professors. Your professors are more than just people who teach you; they are also resources for learning about the profession, the coursework, and even the school itself. They are often former lawyers themselves, so they can provide insight into how things work in practice.

If you’re lucky enough to have a professor who has gone through law school as well as being an attorney at some point in their careers (these are known as “second-year electives”), then you can ask them questions about their experiences with legal education or even ask them if they would take another class with that professor again!

Talk with upper-year students.

Talk with upper-year students.

You may have already noticed that law school is a very social environment, and you’ll find that it’s almost impossible to stay completely isolated from the rest of your classmates. You’re going to be meeting with them regularly in class, working on group projects together, and even taking exams in large rooms filled with hundreds of people. So you must get to know your peers as soon as possible—and one great way to do this is by talking with upper-year students (second or third year). These are usually people who started out as 1Ls like yourself but were able to get ahead because they had more experience working in law firms before starting their legal education at Thomas Jefferson Law School. They can offer insight into how the course work works at Thomas Jefferson Law School, what kind of grades you should expect for each class (and which ones will be harder than others), how challenging each assignment will be…the list goes on! And if there are any questions about the application process? Upper-year students have been through it all before and can help guide new students through the process

The Socratic method can be really scary.

The Socratic method is a teaching technique that involves asking questions to stimulate critical thinking and active learning. It’s used in law school and can be intimidating at first, but it shouldn’t be viewed as a test. Instead, think of it as an opportunity for you to share your ideas and learn from others.

Get a study group together for practice tests.

The best way to prepare for the LSAT is through practice. And what better way to do that than with a study group? While you may have some friends at your law school who are also taking the LSAT, there are likely plenty of other people who would be willing and able to join your little band of test-takers.

Think about people who already sit next to you in class or even older students who are back in law school because they didn’t do as well on their first try. They all want this test just as bad as you, so why not help each other out? Forming a small group will allow everyone involved to become more familiar with each other’s strengths and weaknesses when it comes time for all of them (and maybe even their families) to pack up and head off for orientation week at college together next fall!

Advantages of the School’s resources

Take advantage of your school’s resources, such as academic support services and the law library.

Law school is much more than just a classroom. It’s a community, and you definitely want to take advantage of the support services that your school offers.

Academic support services are available to help you manage coursework and prepare for exams, so if you’re struggling with any aspect of law school—from writing papers to outlining cases—don’t hesitate to ask for help from these offices. Some schools even offer dedicated tutoring programs or one-on-one sessions with an academic advisor who can give feedback on your progress and make recommendations for improving it.

The law library is another useful resource at most law schools. The library has an extensive collection of books and periodicals (many of them online) on various legal topics; these resources may not be immediately obvious when you start researching your first case file, but they’ll become invaluable as the semester goes on. You can also use the library hours to meet up with classmates during downtime between classes or studying sessions for group projects like moot court competitions or mock trials!

The career services office at most schools provides students with valuable job search resources such as résumé workshops, mock interviews, networking events, and job postings/offers from employers around town – all designed to help them succeed after graduation!

Preparation is key!

The best way to prepare for the LSAT is by taking practice tests. This will help you to get an idea of what the test is like, and what areas you need to work on. You can buy the official LSAT prep books, or find free resources online. Some good places include Kaplan’s website (, and Khan Academy ( Once you have a sense of how hard each section is, and how long it takes for you to complete them, then you should be able to plan out how much time each practice test should take so that it matches up with when your real test will be administered!


In the end, the most important thing to remember about studying for law school is that it’s not just memorization. You have to understand what you’re reading and be able to apply it in a variety of different situations. With enough practice, you’ll get used to this method and find success in your studies!


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